Bulk Dry Cleaning
Commercial Laundry & Bulk Dry Cleaning Service

Bulk Dry Cleaning & Professional Laundry Service in the Bay Area - Contact us for a Free Consultation.
Bulk Dry Cleaning & Professional Laundry Service in the Bay Area
Fast • Reliable • Eco-friendly & Economical
Get started with a professional bulk dry cleaning and commercial laundry service with great rates.
- Serving the San Francisco Bay Area
- Pick-up and delivery services are available
- Competitive quotes
(925) 302-6199 | Free Consultation
We leverage volume and an efficient process to offer competitive contracts for all sorts of clients–from gyms and restaurants to schools, law enforcement, military, professional sports teams and more.

We began using Dollar Cleaners in 2016 to assist us with the uniform needs of over 1,000 staff members. From day one, they have provided excellent customer service in addition to high quality work. They are an efficient and professional team that have helped us improve our bulk laundry operation on many levels. We couldn’t be happier with their service!
Matt V., Stadium Operations Manager, Oakland Athletics
Commercial Laundry Service Across Industries
We serve across industries, including: restaurants, medical facilities, gyms, salons, spas, pro sport teams and more. We also do professional & public service uniforms.
Dry Cleaning and Alteration Agency Contracts
If you're a dry cleaners, then our commercial service can help you save money and eliminate the headache of managing your own dry cleaning plant. We cover all bases for dry cleaning agencies.
Commercial Cleaning Service Pick-up & Delivery
We're centrally located in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our plant is close to major freeways, and we have five store front locations in the East Bay.
Free Consultation, Commercial Service
Contact us for a Free Consultation.
Dry Cleaning & Laundry Plant
Based in the San Francisco East Bay Area
Bulk Dry Cleaning & Professional Laundry Services for the San Francisco Bay Area.
15576 Hesperian Blvd
San Lorenzo, CA 94580
For commercial services, please call:
(925) 302-6199